For some reason it pains me to not be busy. If I have a free night or a day with nothing to do, I start plotting a new hobby or new obsession. I can confidently say Hobby Lobby probably owes much of its success due to myself! I bring the kids with me when I go, because if I go by myself I get lost in the amazing aisles and aisles of crafting ecstasy and projects that could be (plus then I have to try to explain to Brandon why I NEEDED to buy a set of crochet needles and yarn, because I can totally make hundreds of dollars selling crocheted baby items. I guess after 2 years I should probably pull that set out and get on it)!
For the past 5 years I have been doing custom invitations and announcements out of our house. Which was great! Until I was pregnant with the twins..... then it became a burden. I struggled to maintain the energy required to work every night once the kids were in bed. I dreamed of a night off where I could watch TV and lay on the couch. And while in the hospital after they were born I stressed over orders not finished and the work I had ahead of me. So basically it burned me out. But luckily the orders died down a short while after and of course having 2 nights with nothing to do got me thinking. Typically every year or 2 years I do a bridal show to jump start my orders, but I wasn't so sure I wanted a ton of new orders. So I started creating some things that were a little more fun than assembling invitation after invitation. Tutu's and kid's accessories/photo props!! I love it! It gives me the creative outlet I need to function. Even if I don't make a dime off of it, just creating satisfies me in a way nothing else really can. I am hoping to make an Etsy page and website off it, but for now, here is my Facebook page - check it out!!:
This is something I want to instill in the kids. I think it is important that no matter what you end up doing for a living (because we ALL know it typically isn't the subject you are passionate about that works out to pay the bills), you need to find what fulfills you and makes you happy and always do that. Brandon is the same way. He has a part time job scuba-diving - that is his passion. It keeps him happy no matter how his "real" job is going. It gives him something else to be interested in. And it keeps us both connected and happy because we are able to find things that we love to do and do them. Hobbies are important!
I am still doing invitation orders that I receive, and now that I am not bearing babies I have the energy to keep up. PLUS, with the kids both in preschool next year, I will have 2 1/2 hours 2 days a week to devote solely to my addiction!! I just will have to resist the urge to step into the craft stores during those hours. It's probably not an acceptable excuse to tell the kids teachers that I was late picking them up because I was too busy browsing the scrapbooking section :)