My mom decided that as a birthday gift to me, she wanted to take me and my sister-in-law on a trip somewhere to get away - girls only. So we decided to take off to Phoenix! My sister's band Little Hurricane was playing a show there, we know quite a few people who live there, and really anywhere were it isn't snowing is paradise in my eyes. So, this is the FIRST trip I have taken away from both the kids and Brandon. Visions of jumping on a plane with nothing but my carry-on, quietly reading magazines and books and waking up to birds chirping instead of kids smothering me wavered through my mind, reminding me of a life not that long ago where these were all normal occurrences. And it was everything I had imagined it to be! Very relaxing - having conversations and meals with no interruptions, laying by the pool, etc etc. But of course in the back of my mind all I could think of was my little ones. Every little kid I saw splashing in the pool or tugging on their mom's shirt reminded me of the joy that children bring to a vacation. But I enjoyed myself and soaked in every moment of peace, knowing that it would soon end.
I wasn't sure how Brandon would feel when I returned home. I was prepared for the whole "Oh, it was SO much fun...the kids were SOOO good....I wish I could stay home all the time because of how easy it is!!" which of course would have sent me into a fit of rage. Because it usually figures when he is the one at home, the kids are little angels and he can never understand my frustrations as a mom. BUT ALAS.... the four beautiful words to come out of my dear husband's mouth were:
"I get it now"
He GETS it!!!! I swear at this moment the gates of heaven came flying open and angels were singing Hallelujah. I feel like there is a cross-jealousy between us sometimes. He wishes he could stay home and play with the kids all day and not have work-related stress. I envy him being able to wake up and just get himself ready, to not have to worry about bathing, dressing, feeding more than one person at a time. Getting to up and leave the house without having keen herding skills. And not have to play the role of 24-7 motivational speaker - "OKAY, you can do it, put your clothes on - yay yay - let's eat up breakfast - WAHOO!! Good for you - you peed on the toilet - I knew you could do it!!!" :) Brandon got a little taste of it - so now when he comes home and the house isn't a picture-perfect scene - when dinner is sometimes a little later than expected - when there is an abstract picture scribbled on the floor and I don't seem to care - now he knows why.With those words also came validation for my bad mom moments where I am so frustrated I could scream. Heck, if I knew it were that easy to get him to understand where I was coming from, I would have gone on a solo vacation a long time ago :) I realized too that I needed that break. The little things that shouldn't bother me when I am home with the kids were really getting to me. For example, a little excerpt from a recent trip:
"Okay kids you can each pick one toy to bring with you in the car"
"But I want TWOOOOO toys"
"No, one toy"
"TWOOO toyssssss"
Now, I realize this was not a battle to pick. Had I just let them each pick two toys (not a big deal) I would have avoided nearly having an aneurysm. But built up frustration and stress caused me to way over-react to something silly. But after this short break I am re-energized and ready to take my life back on. I feel like I can better enjoy the kiddies, not get overly upset at stupid things, and I am a better mom for it. They say happy wife = happy life. I say happy mom = happy home. That's what I get now. It was hard to leave my family for those 5 days, but in the end it was so worth what I got out of it, for everyone's sake. And the thing is, I realize that I am really lucky for what I have. Most of my girlfriends work full time. They would love to be able to stay home and spend so much time watching their little ones grow. I happen to get the best of two worlds. I get to stay home a few days a week and I get to work a couple days as well. And truly at the heart of it, I love it. When I think about them being in school full-time in a a few short years, I want to cry. The fun times I get to have with them at this age can only happen once in their lifetimes, and I know I need to enjoy it while I can.
All of you stay-at-home moms - kudos to you, in a most sincere acknowledgment. Most especially those of you who have more than 2 kids. My mom had 4 and the fact that she is alive to tell the story today is something to admire and be in awe of.
So this morning when I got to wake up to kisses and hugs with my two babies rolling all over me, instead of grunting and putting a pillow over my head, I smiled and hugged them, thankful for the little disturbances that they are :)
It's like you're writing my story. OMG, LOL. I totally get ya!