Monday, March 21, 2011

Decade #3 and counting...

So I have somehow stumbled upon the big 3.0. How did this happen?? I have no clue! I swear I've been sucked into some kind of time warp that has hurled me into the future. I read somewhere a quote that said something like "the days may drag on but the years fly by". So very true! I completed a separate blog back in November that journaled my experience as a surrogate. At the end of it all I was able to print out the entire blog into a hardbound book and gave one copy to the parents of the babies I carried and kept one for myself. I realized through that blog that it was an awesome way to keep track of the little details that you swear you could never possibly forget, but inevitably do. Similar to the purpose of a "Baby Book". So in respect to that, I would like to thank the Academy as I accept the Bad Mom of the Year award for NOT keeping up in my kid's baby books. Special thanks to the little people (aka my kids) that so greatly took my attention that I never could find the time to navigate through the piles of stuff in the basement to find Leo's book after we moved, and the mountain of purses and old shoes that covered Carmela's in my closet. Ugh. Yes, I am terrible - and once again, all those little milestones that I swear I couldn't possibly forget as the kids were growing are now far past :(. Seriously my bad.

So in an effort to keep track of these memorable occurrences, and to hopefully be able to give my kids something to look back on to know (maybe when they have their own kids) what life was like with the two of them toddling around, I have vowed to keep this blog and keep it current. And what better time to start then with the beginning of the next 10 years of my life.

So a quick recap of the previous 10 years:
By the age of 20 I had already been with Brandon for over a year, partying (uh, I mean attending) UW Whitewater :) Shortly after turning 21 I left for a year for Australia to finish off my degree in Marine Biology and Chemistry (phew - it's a good thing I traveled all the way to the other side of the earth to achieve this degree!! lol). I was the first student at Whitewater to do this program though, so it was quite the experience! A month after arriving in Australia, Brandon flew over and surprised me and then proposed (insert sappy love ballad). After graduating I returned home and a year later, Brandon and me bought a town house and tied the knot in October 2004. 6 months later we joyfully got pregnant, but then had a miscarriage at 12 weeks :*( 7 months later got pregnant again and 9 months after that welcomed a bouncing beautiful baby boy! A year later we bought and moved into a larger house. Then the month after he turned 1 I got pregnant and 9 months later welcomed a pretty princess. A year after that, got pregnant AGAIN (this time, not mine!) and 17 weeks later ended that pregnancy :*( and then, finally, 6 months after that got pregnant with twins (again not mine) and 6 months later welcomed two little boys into the world. So there's my reproductive history in a nutshell :) 5 pregnancies in 6 years. And here I am, 30 years old, and about to embark on hopefully a just as rewarding and exciting next 10 years of my life.

So at this point Leo is 4 1/2 and Carmela is 2 1/2. Boy are they a joyful wonderful energy-sapping bundle!! We do have a good time. They love to play, love to pretend. They are FUNNY!! They manage to always come up with the goofiest things, so even on a bad day they can always lighten the mood. Leo is in preschool, was there last year, and will be there next year as well, thank-you cutoff date of Sept. 1st for Kindergarten. Carmela will be joining him next year, which means for me I can FINALLY go grocery shopping, wait for it... ALONE!! :) Holy dear Jesus, I never thought I would see the day! I mean, it is totally awesome having to race through the store like a crazy person with a small child in the cart, out of the cart, rolling on the ground. And whoever invented those ridiculous "Firetruck" shopping carts most definitely did not have children!! As if it isn't difficult enough getting through the aisles, add another 5 feet of cart, wheels that don't work, and a child that, while traveling through the produce decides to do a death roll out of the door of the "car" - well, you can see this just turns into a circus of sorts. It's not actually that bad shopping with the kids (minus spontaneous death rolls) . Almost always they are very good. But I think most parents can sympathize with those few horrid trips (enter tunnel vision as you race to the exit as quickly as possible without looking at the people staring, judging you) it's better off just doing it alone. Well that was a side-tracked thought! The point is, the kids are growing really fast - I hardly remember them as babies - it seems like centuries ago.
Which again, is why I am here writing. To remember these fleeting moments.

So I suppose this is a sufficient start to my new "Baby Book"! I look forward to filling it with moments to cherish, look back on, and laugh at as time goes on :)

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